Sunday, April 20, 2008

on Lu and God by email with apologies to my cousin

Carson to Us:
Lu died when William was about six weeks old. When he was a newborn, I had a horrible time leaving him to sleep, as I was worried about SIDS, choking, a really big booger getting stuck in his tiny nostril, invading aliens and any other horror one can imagine in a sleep deprived, new mother state. One of the few things that gave me comfort and allowed me to leave him to go to sleep was visualizing Lu standing at the foot of his bed, with her pocket book over her arm watching over my baby. I have read your blogs on prayer and breathing. For me, I often feel God in thinking and remembering Lu, Mimi and my other grandmother and their love for me. I offer my visualization of Lu watching over Adam, you and Martha and lending you strength and comfort. Carson

Me to Carson:
Thanks for making me think of Lu. She was the ur-grand mother with her ever present purse and what I remember as constant good humor toward her grand children. An image of Lu looking over Adam as he is hooked up to chemo, or wondering if his hair will come back, or having what seems like the longest tummy ache in the world will be helpful. Adam will get through this. I think we will too. His hair suddenly falling out shook us out of our routine. Maybe that's a good thing, and maybe not.

peace and love


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