Saturday, April 26, 2008

2 down, 2 to go

Adam's second night at Vandy went well. He slept. He woke up a little nauseous but was ready, at last, to be discharged. Adam has two more inpatient stays ahead--thank God.

He is here now, hanging out with Camille and watching cartoons. Antonio may come over for a visit tomorrow afternoon. Antonio's energy may be 'what the doctor ordered'.

Juju and Bear are out getting tonight's dinner taken care of, Martha is taking a nap and I am recovering from the 13.1 I ran this morning (and every step was a prayer).

To Meg, "Vibes received."

Have a lovely Saturday.


Mom to 2 Angels said...

I did the half today, too. I kept telling myself-- If Adam can fight cancer then I can run this half marathon. Today I ran for Adam.


Reta said...

After two weeks in South Africa and thinking of and praying for Adam often, I have just read all of Adam's blog to be up to date. Wow! Adam is such a brave, courageous boy. I am sure knowing so many people love and pray for him daily, surely helps him and also you both, Edward and Martha. Keep the faith! God will be your "footprints" and carry you all through this challenge--
