Thursday, September 11, 2008


We were sitting to a delicious meal. One of Martha's originals. Chicken and onions with a nice gravy. It's our own comfort food. The mood around the table was good. Every one was chatty. Adam threw up all of his rice. It took a while. Then he asked for water and we give him an anti nausea pill. We didn't see that coming. Adam didn't seem that distressed by it. None of us did actually. Just another day living with cancer and chemo. He finished vomiting, drank some water and took an apple to eat. Camille helped clear the table and the night went on like normal.

My brother in law John died last week. He was a writer and a musician. To pay the bills he taught high school and loved doing it. This is apparent in what his students had to say about him in the OBIT section of the New Orleans newspaper. Check it out. Go to and click on obituaries then go to John Fuchs.

This day seemed normal enough, but I guess it isn't. Seven years ago I remember exactly where I was. At work about to go to yet another meeting when I was on the mood disorders unit and passed the group room. Patients were focused on the tv more than usual. The first plane had just hit the tower. We all watched as the second plane hit. We had our meeting anyway but it didn't last very long. Martha called me on my then new cell phone and told me that the Pentagon had just been attacked. The meeting ended and we all went to a tv to watch. Adam and I watched the last part of 93 United on TV the other day. He asked what it was about and we talked about the events of that day. Adam said, "How could people do something so horrible and think it is right?" I had no answer.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Edward, I hope you don't end this blog when its title is no longer appropriate. I appreciate reading your commentary about daily events, whether they have to do with Adam's journey through cancer treatment or the regular trials of parenthood or ... I hope you change the title and keep it going.

All my love,