Wednesday, January 7, 2009

2009 is looking up.

The new year has begun, the kids (blessedly) are back in school and I am off and running in the world of self employment.
Adam is doing really, really well. He is excited about his drama class at school, he is reading like a wild man (I don't remember reading willingly until I was way into high school) and he seems like he is in a great mood. Winter Scout Camp was a big success. I think Adam digs that sort of thing and it was great to get him out of the house for 5 days (luckily not too cold--thank you global warming!) during the Xmas to New Years blahs.
Adam and I have a 'date' with Vanderbilt this Monday. He has a series of imaging tests he will have to go through. He's not exactly excited about it....but it beats chemo.
Camille was a hit (to us anyway) in her dance school's production of the Nutcracker. She loves ballet and is constantly showing off moves and inventing her own. She is still working on a cart wheel. Ballet class started up again today after the Christmas break and she was so excited when I picked her up from aftercare. Usually she hates that I am picking her up too soon, taking her away from her friends.
My car was totalled by a drunk driver. Which really sucks because I was planning on driving that thing into the ground. Luckily it happened at 430am and no one, not even the driver, was hurt. I am currently 'in negotiations' with geico (the dude's insurance). Hopefully we will get a 'new to us' car very soon. Martha wants to get a 'fun' car but I am afraid my inner utilitarian will win out.
I am working occasionally at the hospital on an 'as needed' basis. This is really cool because it gives me some income while I build my private practice (check out my other blog . Being a 'hired hand' has its advantages....namely, no stress from the responsibility of being the boss. Best of both worlds.

2009 is looking up.

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