Thursday, January 22, 2009

normal sickness

So Adam woke up yesterday morning having had nausea all night. He didn't even come up and get us but he was in no shape of going to school. Immediate flashback of chemo nausea. Then the realization that this was just 'normal' kid getting sick stuff. Which was great really. He probably picked up a bug on the scout trip to Atlanta.

He's back off to school this morning. We have an appointment with Dr. Kuttesch on Monday to review his imaging tests from last week. We assume that all is fine; otherwise I think we would have heard. But you can never be sure so please continue to keep Adam in your prayers.

We should hear at this meeting when Adam can get his port-o-cath taken out. I know for Adam that will be a great day.

1 comment:

Carson said...

Thats never fun to be nauties I have a really bad cold. I am happy that you are feeling better.

With much love,