Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Have you ever had a nightmare where you are walking down a hallway approaching the end and then the hallway begins to stretch out....the closer you get the further you are away.....or is that just a scene from The Shining?

Adam is down to his last week and a half of treatment. He had a chemo session yesterday, one is planned for next Monday and the last for next Friday. It seems like until this week he had been doing well over all. Yes he was tired easily and moody at times, but these situations seemed within limits and getting better.

Adam vomited yesterday at the chemo visit and this morning he was not feeling well. He said he was having a stomach ache. But I took him to school anyway with instructions to try and stay in school but to call home if it gets worse. Well he did have to call home and as it turns out he was running a fever. A fever is a bad thing when your immunity system is down, which his is, because what may be a normal cold for most of us can become much more serious and quickly. Martha picked him up and took him to the clinic. We were worried that he may have to be admitted but thankfully he was able to go home with more meds and we have another check in tomorrow.

Damn, we are just about there, I can almost touch it....but the hallway just stretches out.

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