Friday, May 1, 2009

something I read today and wanted to pass on

May I be filled with happiness
May I filled with love
May I have a good life
May I have wonderful dreams
And may I live in peace.
May the world be safe
May the world be in peace
May the world be a wonderful place
And may the world be a better place

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Edward. Seems like y'all are having much fun & incredibly busy. We were considering going to Nashville for spring break, but checked your blog & y'all were in Hawaii! How cool is that! We will descend upon you sometime though. You can't escape us forever.
Are you headed to L.A. anytime this summer? Doug still working on our renovation---which must be completed by the end of the summer, so it's hard to get away right now, but we have a few breaks between camp sessions. Hope to see you all soon. x lyn